Looks like the time has come for me to join the blogosphere.

Not quite sure how to convey what I want to convey in my first post, though! I’m excited and passionate about the world and the people around us. How people get places is one thing that’s always fascinated me – particularly by air. Think about it, you could get on a big metal thing weighing 800,000 lbs and a

Good Morning India

couple hours later, be in a place where the people, language, cuisine, culture and society are completely different from your own.  And chances are that the food you eat, who (or what) you pledge allegiance to (if at all), what languages you communicate in, what you do for work and a ton of other factors affected your journey.

And there’s so much more to take in once you get to your destination! It’s amazing!

In this blog, I want to share my thoughts and opinions on a whole bunch of topics and on how they impact traveling, cultural experiences, the airline industry and current affairs:

  • Culture & Society An overwhelmingly broad topic, but applicable in so many ways
  • Language Such a fundamental part of our lives. How does everyone use it?
  • Food No prizes for anyone guessing why this is so exciting to talk about
  • Responsible Travel The environment, sensitivity and other such topics
  • Anything else! Staying dynamic is important, so who knows what other relevant topics might emerge

Keeping all that in mind, I figured “Wisdom on Wings” was a good name to start off with. I’m super excited to start blogging – I think it’ll be fun.

So please subscribe, follow, comment and unabashedly share your opinions with me! I love hearing and learning from new viewpoints and ideas that I wouldnot have otherwise thought of.

Stay tuned for updates, changes and news! Be sure to follow me on Twitter as well! (@vivekmayasandra)


*Selamat datang translates to “Welcome” in Malay. More on that later!